Try Sliquid Silver!

49 yo post breast cancer treatment and in menopause-try Sliquid Silver!

HI, I have to share this for anyone else who might find themselves in my shoes. Last year at 48 y o and 3 small kids , I went thro the mill of breast cancer treatment...chemo, mastectomy, I am onto 5 years Oestrogen Suppression (Tamoxifen) oh, (and chemo had pushed me into menopause too!) It has been a lot to process emotionally and mentally ...and sex just disappeared from the agenda as survival was main pre-occupation. Started to feel more normal pre Christmas and tried one of the Sliquid Natural Aqua product as I was v slow to do anything non-natural after all the chemicals I d endured. Didn't work for us...and I honestly thought that my sex life was over , 'just like that' to quote Carrie Bradshaw! But some kind clever husband posted a review of how Sliquid Silver helped with his wife's menopause. So I said couldn't hurt to try...and I am VERY VERY HAPPY to report that is 100% accurate did NOT hurt and was easy -peasy, the littlest bit lasted and let's just say ours is a contented house today! Hope this helps others!

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