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See What People Have Asked So Far
Hi there! I was just wondering what the difference between sliquid Oceanics and Sea is? They seem to have similar ingredients? I have also been told that Oceanics is good when trying to conceive? I know you don’t brand it as so but lots of websites list it as one that does help. So where I live only Sea is available in drugstores.. so tell me whats the diff?! Lol thanks!!!
Sea and Oceanics are very similar. Oceanics is aloe based, and sea is water based. Oceanics also has organic botanical extracts added. Each product in the Organics line has a complementary product in the Naturals line.
Can men use this product?
Yes, Sliquid Splash is a great gentle soap alternative for everyone! Makes a great bubble bath too.
Can I use this product vaginally even though it has green apple flavoring and aspartame in it?
Yes, Swirl is safe for vaginal use.
The Sliquid Silk is 9% silicone. Would this still be dangerous for silicone toys/condoms, or is the amount so small that it wouldn’t be dangerous?
It depends on the silicone used in the toy. We have found that higher end silicone toys do not react, but lower end and cyber skin like toys do. We always suggest testing a small spot on the base of the toy before use, and thoroughly cleaning after use just to be safe. Or just use a plain water based lubricant with your toys.
Is it alright to use Sliquid Naturals Sea Lubricant for anal too or is Sassy the only one that is suggested?
Sliquid Sea works great for anal play as well!
Hey, my wife is 8 months pregnant, just want to be sure your H2O is safe to use. Thanks great product.
We always suggest taking a bottle to your OB/GYN for a consultation. All ingredients used are listed on the bottle.