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See What People Have Asked So Far
My boyfriend wants to try pegging, but has relaxing issues. I know desensitizers are dangerous, and many companies sell warming relaxers as an alternative. Is Sizzle considered a good product for anal use, or is Sassy the only product recommended for such a usage? I would love to see a warming version of Sassy at some point!
Sizzle goes on cool, and warms with friction, so it may not be the best solution for your application.
Is Ride Rock edible for her if she wants to do oral on me after spraying some and having sex for a bit?
Depending on the amount of time between application and oral, she may feel the desensitizing effects, but it is not harmful.
Is the cotton used to make this product organic?
Our cotton is organically sourced, but not USDA certified organic.
Can this be used as lubricant for blow jobs?
Yes, all Sliquid lubricants can be used for oral sex.
Is it possible to mix the Organics Natural Gel and Organics Oceanics together to make it thicker?
Sure, you can mix any water or aloe based products together. Many people mix a small amount of Sensation or Sizzle with a non-stimulating formula to get less potent stimulating lubricant.
Is satin sliquid safe for anal sex and platinum-cure silicone toys, not just vaginal?
Yes, Satin is safe for anal and toy use also.