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See What People Have Asked So Far
I see you have several “stimulating” silicone products. Which one is the most stimulating? And what is the difference between them all?
Thank You!
Sliquid Spark and Ride Booty Buzz are the same product / formula, with different packaging.
It wasn’t clear from the current description….is Silk – Sliquid Natural latex, rubber and plastic friendly?
Yes it is.
Why doesn’t Sliquid put the expiration date on their bottles?
Expiration dates and manufacturing lot codes are on the bottom of each bottle. For darker colored bottles, you may need to have more light available to see the information.
I read that potassium sorbate (an ingredient in your personal lubricants) can be contaminated with heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury.
Does Sliquid test for these contaminants, or require their suppliers of potassium sorbate to test for them?
Yes, all Sliquid ingredients are come with a Certificate of Analysis for each batch and are verified before being used.
Do you ship your products in discreet packaging? As in, no labels or any identifying information?
Yes, our packaging is discreet. UPS will list Sliquid in the return address, but USPS and FedEx will not.
Is it ok to warm up the Satin by Sliquid intimate moisturizer using a bottle warmer? Will the moisturizer degrade by doing this?
You can warm up the product to about body temperature with no problems, though doing this repeatedly will cause the product to break down faster.