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Please note, questions posted here are typically answered on a weekly basis. If you need a quick response, please reach out directly.

See What People Have Asked So Far

2021-04-14 10:35

Van Asked: Is this pregnancy safe?

Is this lubricant pregnancy safe?

Sliquid Answered:

We suggest bringing your preferred bottle to consult with your OB/GYN.

2021-04-09 03:51

Joy Asked: vaginal dryness due to menopause

are any of your products designed to be a daily vaginal moisturizer, as well as a lubricant? thanks

Sliquid Answered:

Our Sliquid Satin is designed specifically for this purpose.

2021-04-02 11:03

Andy Asked: Silk Hybrid

Any chance for the Silk Hybrid to come back? I didn’t see it in the shop and assumed it was sadly discontinued. If not, which current product line would be the most similar to it?

Sliquid Answered:

Hi Andy,

The Naturals Silk 2oz is currently available, and we expect the larger sizes to be in stock end of next week.

2021-03-23 05:13

Mandee Asked: Discreet Shipping?

What are the shipping packages like? I live in the dorms at my college and the mail is sorted/distributed by students – so you can see why privacy is a must. Any branding or company name is what I’m concerned about.

Sliquid Answered:

There is no branding on our packages, and if you ship with USPS or Fedex, the return address will be “Customer Care”.

2021-03-23 05:09

Gido Asked: Sliquid Silver safe for oral?

While we’re not planning to use it for oral, I would still like to know if it’s safe to get Sliquid Silver in your mouth. We tend to get coconut oil all over, and it inevitably ends up around and/or in our mouths. I want to make sure it’s safe to be that cavalier with the Sliquid Silver too.


Sliquid Answered:

Yes, it is safe for oral play. If you were to drink it, it may cause some slight stomach upset, but not in the amounts you would get in your mouth during oral play.

2021-03-23 05:07

Albe Asked: discreet pckaging

What packaging does the product ship in? Does it say sliquid on it? Don’t want my roommates to know I’m ordering sex stuff.

Sliquid Answered:

Hello, we ship in plain boxes, and the return address says “Customer Care” if you use USPS or Fedex to ship.

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