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Please note, questions posted here are typically answered on a weekly basis. If you need a quick response, please reach out directly.
See What People Have Asked So Far
is the packaging discreet ?
Yes, if you use USPS or Fedex, there will be no identifying information on the package.
Can you use Sliquid Silver on a latex condom?
Yes, silicone is the most common lubricant used for latex condoms.
We love your products, is there a way to order a larger bottle than 8.5 oz?
Hello, 8.5oz is the largest bottle we produce.
Your Organics and Oceanics Organics products, in the 8.5 oz size, have been noted as being out of stock and have been for some time now. Are they available from another source other than your own on-line shop. Are they permanently out of production?
We should have most of the Organics line back in stock next week.
I was wondering if you know a general restock date for the Silk Sliquid lube (purple bottle?)thanks!
We should have new stock in a week or so.
Will Sassy be restocked? And naturals sensations? I haven’t seen some sizes restocked and wondered if they were discontinued.
Sassy should be restocked tomorrow or early next week. Sensation will likely be a week longer.