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Please note, questions posted here are typically answered on a weekly basis. If you need a quick response, please reach out directly.
See What People Have Asked So Far
How long does the 20th Anniversary sale last?
The additional discount coupon for our 20 year anniversary (obtained by signing up for the newsletter) is good through July.
We are long time and avid users of your products! Can you please provide the osmolality and PH for all of your products? We are trying to make good longer term decisions about products that may effect our bodies.
All sliquid lubricants are 4.1 – 4.4pH, and in the 500 – 800 range for osmalality. The Naturals line is lower than the Organics line.
Is Sliquid Silk safe to use with latex condoms?
Yes, Silk is safe to use with latex.
Where can I get the details “specs” on what the pH and osmolality levels are for your lubes? Specifically I’m looking for this information for your “Naturals” and “Organics” lines. I saw 4.0-4.4 listed – but that seems to be listed for all. I don’t see anything about osmolality.
Please advise
All Sliquid lubricants are pH 4.1 – 4.4 (a range is listed because pH can shift over time, so it depends on the age of the product). All Sliquid lubricants are under the WHO recommended 1200 mOsm/kg – typically in the 500 – 800 range, with the Organics products being on the higher end.
I really want to order some of your products, but it doesn’t have my country on the shipping country selection. I’m in Australia, is there any chance of me being able to get my order shipped? I did find a website that could be your Australian one, but it just doesn’t look quite right. If you won’t ship to Australia, could you confirm whether this website is selling your legitimate products please? I’m sensitive to alot of things and don’t want to find their not legitimate products. you :-)
We have suspended shipping to Australia due to a large number of shipments going missing. is not us, but is one of our customers. You can also find our products at
Does Sliquid Natural Intimate Lubricant have an expiration date or best by date? The container does not bear any such date. The product is about 4 years old and has been stored indoors, climate controlled, and in a dark area when not actually in use.
The lot code and expiration are on the bottom of the bottle. For lubricants, the unopened shelf life is 3 years, and 6 to 12 months once opened.