What is Non-Binary?
We hope everyone’s PRIDE month was loud, proud, bold & beautiful. This month is also chock-full of PRIDE as we enter Non-Binary Awareness Week. Non-Binary Awareness Week, which runs July 11th – 16th, is a week dedicated to raising awareness about the lives, needs, and…

Celebrate Pride Month By Supporting These 4 LGBTQ+ Organizations
If you didn’t already know, June is PRIDE month! Celebrated annually, across the United States, Pride month commemorates a huge victory for LGBT+ liberation. Started by the Stonewall Riots in NYC in 1969 that Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera led. Just a few years…

Celebrate National Men’s Health Week
June is a month full of excitement, love, and fun, and the summertime is just heating up! June is mainly known for being PRIDE month, but it is also National Men’s Health Month. 13th starts the beginning of National Men’s Health Week. During National Men’s…
Let’s Talk About Menstrual Hygiene
This month is quickly coming to a close. But before it does, we want to highlight a significant day and movement. May 28th marks the observance of Menstrual Hygiene Day. Landing on the 28th, this particular date is by no means insignifican. It signifies the…
5 Women’s Health Brands You Should Explore
May is one of the best months for a few reasons. First, we’re just a little ways away from the summertime. Second, it’s National Masturbation Month! Interestingly enough, National Women’s Health Week also lands during this lovely month; Starting from May 8th, which is Mother’s…
Tips & Tricks For Better Anal Sex
If you haven’t heard – today, April 18th, is Anal Sex Day! People oftentimes hear the word anal and are filled with a bit of fear and apprehension. We hope that this blog post helps to answer some common questions and ease some of those…